Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It has been a while since i put up any news in my blog.I'm very busy buying foodstuff and any related stuff to put into my 20 foot container to Stockholm. I've been spending quit handsomely buying baby products, foodstuff, rempah ratus even the kukur kelapa machine you see at the mamak shop!Yup...better buy now for future investment. Im planning to buy the rest tomorrow like beras, cordial etc.I told my father in-law that i intent to buy 20 packs of 10kg beras.He just speechless...What!!!!hehehhe...me n wife just laughing.Yup...better to buy all the stuff here rather than in Sweden.I was told that the food there is damn expensive.I also bought myself a bicycle and couple of battery bikes for my son and daughter.I hope they like it...anyway, would update now and then on my preparation to to to land of the Vikings.....

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